These photos were taken mid-September 2008, making our girls 4-months old. At this time everyone started laying eggs, except Zahn. She waited another couple weeks; though her personality changed from ultra friendly to peckish. On the other hand, Chianna changed from very skittish to the most entertaining of them all.
Aeryn (inside the coop) and Chianna are inspecting the new hay placed inside the mini coop. Anything new, different, or simply changed becomes a chicken's focal point. This little fact makes chickens very attentive "helpers" when you are doing chores.
Zahn here is helping Jayne bring in a fresh flake of hay. Jayne is eyeing Zahn nervously because Zahn, during this time period, began feeling the urge to lay eggs; consequently, she began pecking....quite hard I have to admit! Up until her hormones kicked in, Zahn was the most friendly bird of our mini flock.
All four chickens are inspecting Jayne's handiwork and her water-changing capabilities. Moya and Chianna are inspecting the water's freshness directly.
Aeryn is making sure that I place and fluff the new hay "just right".